Saturday 16 February 2008

Rocket blasts in Haifa; scores dead

Haifa (DPA) - 15:01

Sixteen unguided rockets have hit the Israeli port city of Haifa, in the first of what could be many knock-on effects of Hezbollah's violent falling out with the Lebanese government. The Israeli Defence Ministry has confirmed that the rockets were fired from near the Lebanese-Israeli border.

Casualties are reported at 47 civillians. A shopping centre in the heart of the city took the brunt of the attack.

This is a significantly higher death toll than the more common ones attributed to Kassam rockets, usually numbering below ten. It is unclear how exactly rocket fire from what are essentially home-made rockets could inflict this much damage, or how they could be so accurate to hit within a radius of one hundred metres.

A source who wished to remain anonymous from within the Israeli intelligence community speculated that there may be foreign involvement in the provision of these improved munitions.

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