Saturday 16 February 2008

Hezbollah Declares HOLY WAR on Lebanese Government

In response to the Lebanese decision to majorly crack down upon Hezbollah forces within Lebanon, the leaders of Hezbollah have announced that they are declaring war upon the government of Lebanon.

"Rise up my brothers!! Rise up and resist the traitorous Lebanese government. They do not represent the interests of the Lebanese people - only THEMESLVES!! I call upon the people of this nation to tear down this phony group of power-mongers by force. God is Great. Death to the West" pronounced Sheikh Ashen Bin Geshakal over Hezbollah's broadcast system.

The protests within the city of Beirut have now turned violent, with protesters clashing with the police forces. They are heard to be shouting "DEATH TO THE PRIME MINISTER!!" The cabinet of Lebanon is holed-up inside their compound, with a growing mob of Hezbollah supporters seiging the gates.

The US State Department has issued an advisory warning its citizens to immediately make their way to the American Embassy to prepare for evacuation.

There are now scattered reports of Lebanese and Hezbollah forces engaging in the south of Lebanon, with some Lebanese military refusing to fire back against Hezbollah attackers.

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