Saturday 16 February 2008


With the assasination of the Lebanese Prime Minister, Lizzarick bin Pattin has consolidated her control over the cabinet of Lebanon. Though there is some resistance from the Foreign Minister, who is considering fleeing into exile, it is expected that the disparate factions of the cabinet will fall in behind the new Prime Minister.

Syria and Iran have instantly recognised the new government of Lebanon. The UN Security Council is still discussing the matter. President George W Bush has called a session of the National Security Council to discuss 'a terrorist takeover of Lebanon.'

Israeli ground forces, at the invitation of the former government, have entered Lebanon to begin pacifying the country. Syria has reacted badly to this event, and has mobilised its forces to enter Lebanon and secure the situation. "We cannot accept a zionist invasion of Lebanon, whatever government invited it. Lebanon has a large Syrian population, and therefore Syria has a sovereign right to defend its kin. We will repel any Zionist invasion with all necessary force."

Israel is making quick progress through southern Lebanon, having moved most of its forces to that conflict. By devoting so many resources to the pacification of Lebanon, security has been diminished along the border with the Gaza Strip. Hamas are taking this opportunity to call for a new Palestianian intafada against Israeli control.

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